Northlake Pet Hospital

1490 Commons Circle
Northlake, TX 76226


Northlake Pet Hospital - Northlake, TX
Why do our pets need surveillance screening?

First, our pets can't tell us they don't feel well or that the reason they're moving slower isn't just getting older. Your pet needs an exam every 6 months and routine screening tests to detect underlying disease BEFORE your pet is showing signs of illness.

Second, pets are good at hiding signs of illness until they are very sick. This stems from survival instincts, and is why often pets will look and act fine when they are in a vet clinic.

Use the age chart below to find your pets age in "people" years and the screening testing recommended for each stage of his or her life. Divide your pet's weight in pounds (lb) by 2.2 to get their weight in kilograms (kg).

We believe the following tests give us the best chance of helping your pets live longer, healthier lives.

These are approximations and may vary by gender, species and breed.

Young Adult

Every 12 months - Thorough physical exam, Heartworm Test, and Fecal Parasite Screening

Every 6 months - Thorough physical exam


Every 12 months - Thorough physical exam, Heartworm Test, Fecal Parasite Screening, Baseline CBC and Organ Function Panel

Every 6 months - Thorough physical exam


Every 12 months - Thorough physical exam, Heartworm Test, Fecal Parasite Screening, Comprehensive CBC and Organ Function Panel with electrolytes, Thyroid Screening, Urinalysis, Chest and Abdominal Xrays

Every 6 months - Thorough physical exam, Repeat any exam above that had abnormal results


Every 6 months - Thorough physical exam, Heartworm test, Fecal Parasite Screening, Comprehensive CBC and Organ Function Panel with electrolytes, Thyroid Screening, Urinalysis, Chest and Abdominal Xrays as appropriate for each individual case


North Lake Pet Hospital - Surveillance Screening

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